The first aspect that we incorporated into our film was the Cinematography. The reading on cinematography describes it as the arrangement of objects and setting within the frame of the camera to achieve balance and visual interest. Something that we had to do a couple times was different takes because someone would either mess up or laugh during a scene that we were trying to film. One of the aspects of cinematography is deciding if your film is going to be in black and white or in color. For our film, we choose black and white because we believed it would fit better into our genre of mystery/thriller. The last aspect of cinematography that we focused on was the different shots that we took. The first scene of our film we had zoom is shots of those pictures of those people in Merner. Another type of shot we had was overhead. I think these different types of shot added to our film and made it more interesting to watch.
The second aspect of film that was incorporated was Editing. Editing can be quite a long process as we learned by listening to how long it took people to edit their films. Something interesting that the reading mentions is that many editors are involved in pre-production, helping to plan the shots with the end product in mind. This was true for our project because Brooke edited our film but she was also a part of the film by acting in it. The process of editing a film is a lot more than assembling your shots together. The editor wants to make sure that all of the scenes flow together. I think Brooke did an excellent job of this when she edited our project together. At first, she had our project on IMovie which seemed like it was hard for her to edit it, but then Dr. Kyburz told us about Adobe Express. It seemed like it was easier for her to edit on here, and the film turned out great.
The third aspect of film that was in the readings was Sound. We did not use sound in our film because we decided to do a silent film. I think with the black and white and no sound it really made our film stand out and made it more unique to the genre of our film. The only sound that was featured in our film was the sound effects. When editing, Brooke decided to add these sound effects in so it could help give the audience that sort of mysterious feeling while they watched our film.
The last aspect of film that we used in our film was acting. First, it was fun to act and while viewing all the other films in class, it seemed like all of my classmates had fun acting as well. For me, while acting was fun, it was hard for me to stay serious during the serious times because I found myself laughing at times. Something interesting that I read about in this section was that there are peculiar challenges of cinema production that theater actors never have to confront, as well as the distinct advantages of production, such as an actor's relationship to the camera, and maybe just as important, the actor's relationship with the editor. I thought we got along well so it was easy for us to all act out our parts and be able to create a film that we were proud of.
This post, and your project ... so good!! The film seemed to move along effortlessly, though we know you put a lot of work into it.